Monday, September 13, 2010

Mozart #35 In Cuenca

Mozart #35 as performed by the Cuenca stringed symphony Friday night was an unexpected delight.  I have to thank Gringo Tree for alerting those of us who got their message of the change of time and venue for this event.  I alerted a few others and we had a respectable gringo representation in the otherwise disappointing crowd to hear this excellent production.  It seemed appropriate that I should take a hike back to the facility on Saturday to take a few snapshots of the facilities in the daylight.  I happened to be too late to get into the museum, but found these two sisters who had enjoyed the museum while it was open.  If you are considering a move or a visit to Cuenca, your cultural yearnings need not suffer.  This city loves their arts, music, and festivals and it is largely free of charge!   

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