Saturday, September 18, 2010

And a River Runs Through It

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.  The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time.  On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops.  Under the rocks are words, and some of the words are theirs.

I am haunted by waters."

Norman MacClean,  A River Runs Through It

One of my favorite movies of all times was A River Runs Through It.  It is about the true life story of Norman MacClean, born in Iowa, raised mostly in Montana where the major portion of the book takes place.  MacClean's book adds a poetic picture of the times and place that even the best cinematographer can't capture, but the film was also a great piece and I've watched it countless times.  I love the phrase for which the book and movie are titled.  Every time I walk along the Tomebamba I think first of my Rachel and her Piscean affinity to the rushing water and fishing.  I then imagine Norman and Paul, their fly rods gracefully and rhythmically arcing a rainbow dance on the water that no trout could resist. They would have loved to angle the high headwaters of the Tomebamba in the Cajas. 

Today the Tomebamba graces the parkways of Cuenca and is a constant reminder that Mother Earth will always have her influence on our lives and will forever connect us with our very core.  The water that rushed in a torrent of excitement and fervor in the rainy season is now a picturesque rumble on its way to the Amazon.  The smooth rocks at its bottom have seen the times of the Cañar, the Incas, and the Spaniards.  Now the descendents of those proud peoples play soccer along its shores on Sunday and a few of us gringos just watch, listen and marvel that we are in some small way a part of all of this too.  This is a beautiful city, and a river runs through it. 

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